Vanessa Couto Johnson

concept creep

Let the caterpillar question you

who are.

That exhale—wow
isn’t gas so light
it takes years.

To be accomplished
is to be unused to this size

drink. Me: I’ve been wading, I’ve
been wa-


-ing in the medium; this
is a rounding section
that plains change.

That banner has my terms of service

The secret is that I’m always in

survival mode. Hello, yes, set
it on my belly. Yes, go ahead

until my spine not floored

, no longer the flour of the recipe
, petals of the mixing claws;

and the shirt sprinkled over

my deadlifting back not nutrient
dense enough. I’m doing this beltless.

Chalk headed, dipping to grip.

Coat your eats, spank off the excess,
unless you’re looking for something

job searching in the slickened gum.
Patient’s setting until you are doctored.

Vanessa Couto Johnson (she/they) is the author of the full-length poetry books pH of Au (Parlor Press, Free Verse Editions Series 2022) and Pungent dins concentric (Tolsun Books, 2018), as well as three poetry chapbooks. Most recently, Vanessa's poems have appeared in The Shore, The Broken City, Vagabond City Lit, and Rough Cut, among others.